Friday, November 21, 2008

Rock The Bloc

Last night was absolutely amazing.
Tess quoted quite frequently that Bloc Party were the best band she'd ever seen live.
I believed her when she said they be awesome.... but MAN THEY WENT OFF!
I'm gonna say it comes in my top 10. They are only not closer to the top of my charts as the bands closer to the top are some of my all time favourites.

1. Explosions in the sky
2. Sufjan Stevens
3. The Shins
4. Sigur Ros
5. Coldplay
6. Mum
7. Brian Jonestown Massacre
8. Bloc Party
9. Death Cab For Cutie
10. The Smashing Pumpkins

The night started with a bang as we rediscovered ooze tubes after being deprived for so long as Kmart stopped restocking them. We made new friends, ate cheese rolls & dorito's, sparked up conversations with polite strangers at the pub, danced like crazy whilst packed like sardines in a sweaty festival hall.

Though I must say I did laugh quite hard when I mislead a stranger on the street.
I was putting on my cardigan as the night air was rather fresh and whilst I was waving my hands round in the air trying to get my sleeves right a young lad thought I was enthusiastically waving at him and went to wave before realising, too late, that I wasn't waving at him, just trying to dress myself. Tess spotted him doing the whole " I wasn't waving I was just scratching my head" thing and tried to make him feel less embarrassed by saying " it did look like a wave mate its alright" as his friends laughed at him hysterically. The poor guy was beside himself.

We then ventured down to 7/11 and whilst buying myself an OJ & Paddlepop I convinced myself the man behind me in the line was going to hold the place up, however he was going to wait until I left to do it. Funnily enough he ended up on our train and the "hold up guy" somehow transformed into a bomber and soon after a rapist. Poor man, he was subject to the bashings of mine & Tess's wandering imaginations. We were then lucky enough to bump into Masonic on the train & also Stuart McArthur, which for some reason Tess & I found hilarious.
It was such a great night, gigs are brilliant, and I have been to my fair share of them.
Come to think of it, I am very very proud of the list of artists that I've seen.
Below are the ones I can recall, there are bound to be others I've left out.

1. Kylie Minoque 2. Ben Kweller 3. The Shins 4. Coldplay 5. Wolf Mother 6. Kings of Leon 7. U2 8. Xavier Rudd 9. Sigur Ros 10. Jack Johnson 11. Mum 12. Donavon Frankenreiter 13. Death Cab For Cutie 14. CSS 15. Brian Jonestown Massacre 16. Robyn 17. Little Birdy 18. The Rakes 19. The Black Lips 20. The Used 21. Explosions in the sky 22. Saosin 23. Gotye 24. Thursday 24. Cut Copy 25. The Presets 26. Parkway Drive 27. Groove Armarda 28. Mucles 29. Basement Jaxx 30. Little Red 31. Body Jar 32. Evermore 33. Modest Mouse 34. The Smashing Pumpkins 35. Hot hot heat 36. The Mountain Goats 37. Sonic Youth 38. Luke Steele 39. Underoath 40. Whitley 41. Paul Kelly 42. Ash Grundwald 43. The Vines 44. Taking back Sunday 45. Beirut 46. Sarah Blasko 47. Sufjan Stevens 48. The Youth Group 49. howie Day 50. Funeral For a Friend 51. New Young Pony Club 52. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club 53. Rise Against 54. The Panics 55. Story of the year 56. The Beautiful Girls 57. Antiflag 58. Iron & Wine 59. Bloc Party 60. Van she 61. Mountains in the sky 62. Jose Gonzales 63. Kanye West.

You’re not doing this alone

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