Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You fascinate me, I can't leave it alone.

I was considering giving up on something I have been pursuing. BUT then I remembered that I like a challenge and I am competitive, I just lost the streak temporarily. I have a real fascination and I just can't leave it alone, even if I should. Even if it seems not worth it, somehow there is a part of me that says it is. I am going to trust my instinct and see where it gets me. Nothing to lose. I have absolutely NOTHING to lose :)

Lately I have felt like a I've gained something, something within myself that I was missing. For a while I was freaking out, because I actually feel different, my state of consciousness feels different than it did before. Just being, feels slightly different. And I like it. This new state of self awareness I have gained has made my confidence rocket sky high, in terms of knowing what I want, what I like and giving me the courage to "just do it" instead of just thinking about it. I am moving to London in 2011, at this stage just for a year at most, however I guess I will see how it all goes when I get there.

ANIMAL COLLECTIVE. The defining detail!

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