Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oh no!

Honestly I am sick to death of receiving disconfirming messages from just about everyone I try to talk to. Get off your arrogant high horses and have a conversation with me, I am not asking for your hand in marriage, all I want is to have a decent conversation that doesn't end after "hello, how are you?" Is it really all that hard to talk to me? I try to make conversation and my attempts are either disregarded, ignored and lamely responded to. COMMUNICATION PEOPLE, that's what is needed. I thought I would have a whinge on here because hey that's what blogs are for AND because I can't actually talk to a person who will listen to me and talk to me about ANYTHING let alone listen to me complain.

1 comment:

tess said...

oh chloe i just had to write a blog about the same thing. you try and talk to someone and they think you're overbearing, where have all the good conversationalists gone.