Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chilli Fairy Lights

Why is it that some people don't believe in mahogany, or relationships, or being interested or exclusive with just one person? I would like to know.

Is it because they feel there are too many beautiful people in the world that they can't settle for just one?

Self validation, do they want to be wanted by as many people as possible so that they can feel they are worthwhile?

Are they afraid to let somebody get close to them, get to know them, because they don't like who they really are and are afraid of rejection?

Do they feel like somebody different with each person they charm and enjoying seeing an array of characters in themselves?

Have they not met their match in terms of character and power?

Do they not want to have responsibility, be depended on, or needed?

Do they not want to feel vulnerable, do they not want to feel as if they need somebody else?

Are they afraid of being hurt?

Can they not trust their feelings, and change their mind too much?

Do they get sick of one person too quickly and feel a need for change too often to commit to one person?

Are they constantly afraid they'll meet someone better?

Do they enjoy being alone and self efficient?

Are they afraid of hurting somebody?

Have they been hurt before and feel its not worth it?

Does the thought of being in love, or being loved scare them?

Do they not believe in love?

Do they dislike people in general?

Do they only enjoy the chase?

Does thinking about anything other than a singular point in time scare them?

Are they afraid of change?

Do they disrespect all women/men?

Do they feel they would be sacrificing themselves if they were to restrict themselves to one person, do they not like restriction?

Are they too sexually explorational to settle for one person?

Are they too curious to just focus on one person?

Do they enjoy flirting too much?

Are they too are they involved with too many people emotionally and not want to give up any of them?

Do they not know what they want at all?

Are they in the mind set of "I just want to have fun"?

Are they not ready to be "serious"?

Are their perceptions of what a relationship is like warped?

Do they feel they can't live up to the expectations of a relationship?

Are people just generally confused about what they want, what they SHOULD be doing?

Are they filling in time until they meet "the right person"?

Are they too picky and find faults in people too easily to stay interested?

Or are they in denial?

I really have no idea, I guess every person is different. This is why we need to ask questions, because assuming will get you nowhere but in trouble and just makes you judgemental. I want to get to know people, form deep relationships that go beyond knowing what someone ate for lunch or their plans on the weekend. I hate not knowing, I hate feeling confused. When someone says something I want to know why they said it, what made them say it, the meaning intended. Otherwise communication is pointless and unsuccessful. Communication is everything. Without it you can't connect with others.

I feel there are so many more wonderful women in the world than there are men. But I guess that's just because I have a lot more thorough friendships with a lot more girls than guys.

To be honest I don't know what I am doing in life but I do know that I want to experience it, as much of it as possible and I want people in my life that want the same. I don't, however, feel that I need flirtatious, sexual, intimate relationships with more than one person. It will only restrict you and sacrifice your own well-being if you decide you want it to and if you let it. You can have deep meaningful friendships with people that are just that, friendships. But I believe in monogamy in relationships, and being interested in one person. Because the special thing about being in a relationship or having feelings for someone that its with one person. Its amazing because it is with just one person. Not everyone and anyone.

But I guess everyone has different aspirations, wants and needs and this is only me. So I ask you, what is it that you believe in? What do you want?

1 comment:

Mother_Natures_Son said...

Any selection of those can be true, Chloe.

What do you mean by "Mahogany"? Is that a play on monogamy or do you really mean mahogany? I tend to prefer Australian Redwood (but only if its sustainably harvested)

"Are they too picky and find faults in people too easily to stay interested?"

This is an interesting point... often its that they don't find the positives in someone, rather than finding faults.

A lot of people live life by skimming over the top, not really connecting with people properly. How could you commit to someone when you scarcely know them? And how are you supposed to get to know somebody when you don't realise (or don't care about) actually getting to know them, rather than skimming across the top.

I, too prefer monogamy, but this is just as much from a desire to pour everything I've got into someone as it is from wanting to have someone elses everything poured into me... probably more the former than the latter, actually.

If I was with a number of people I couldn't give everything I've got... because so much of it goes beyond mere affection.

You can share affection with a stranger, you can even share some intimacy, but only in the throes of love can you share everything