Monday, January 25, 2010

push it

don't you wanna know why? why not? why not?

Travel makes me feel alive. It revives my mind, makes it function properly. When in Europe there was so many thought provoking things that I saw and did. My mind was continually active, inquisitive, excited, knowledge thirsty. Now that I am home, stuck in the service centre the furthest my mind wanders is to the obvious blankness that consumes my mind all day whilst at work.

The most I can do is listen to thought provoking artists such as Mr Bob Dylan and Conor Oberst, and read thought provoking books. BUT still thats not enough to keep me satisfied.

I have thought of the 4 things I want most for my 21st birthday:
1. A Dianna Lomography camera
2. A dream meanings dictionary.
3. Alfred Hitchcocks collection of horror films.
4.Travel money.

to be continued shortly

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