Monday, June 21, 2010

Altered States

So I went to the Salvo's today and bought a couple of books one by Aldous Huxley and one by Paddy Chayefsky. I randomly flipped to a page, as I so often do, and started reading the first line that caught my attention and it read as follows:

"Everyday life has no reality for you at all. I dont have any reality for you. Nothing in the human condition has any reality for you because its uncertain, imperfect, transient. You have to have some great immutable truth. You're still looking for God's truth, any truth, even a godless truth, as long as its ultimate, absolute, permanent, everlasting. That's it, isn't it?..... we're born screaming in doubt, and we die suffocating in doubt, and human life consists of continually convincing ourselves we're alive."

I can't wait to start reading this book, I think its going to be amazing!

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