Saturday, September 11, 2010

Angus & Julia Stone

Last night I ventured up to St. Kilda to see Angus & Julia Stone play at the Palais. Julia's voice usually annoys me when I listen to their recorded stuff however live, her voice is so much better. They performed for 2 hours, put absolutely everything they had into it, and gave me goosebumps and bursts of pure ecstasy numerous times. They far surpassed my expectations and I had a fabulous night. I played around with the manual settings on GiGi and the above photo's were the result. Angus & Julia were actually clearer to my eyes when I was looking at the camera screen than they were just looking at them normally, a bit of a worry really :) Drinks before and after the show were had at a bar called Abbey Road which was a great little place that was still serving parmi's at 1.00am. Only in Melbourne! the only place that's open in Geelong at 1am on a Friday night is McDonald's. Gosh I'd love to live in Melbourne and explore all the amazing places all over the city. Some day!


B said...

Next Friday, the 17th, I'll be seeing them in Adelaide :D The photos you took are lovely.

Peach Cobler said...

You will have such a ball, they were terrific, I wish I could see them again :)