In ten days, yes thats right ten days I will be jetting to London.
Today it all feels so real, its just hit me like a steam train & I think I might just pass out from all the excitement and daydreaming I am experiencing right now. To think it was in March that after a lovely girls night the decision had been made that I would join Tess & Angel on the great European Adventure. It seems so long ago that whilst frolicking in the waters at Jan Juc Beach Ang and I were imagining we were somewhere in Spain, and discussing all the possibilities of travel. At this stage I had saved absolutely nothing & the idea seemed so surreal. 9months & $12,000 later I'm 10days away from the most amazing experience of my life. Below are a couple of lovely pictures Tess made with her splendid paint skills. I think they capture what our trip will be like quite well.
This has been something I've ALWAYS dreamt of doing but never actually imagined I would. Not that I thought I'd not be ballsy enough to but because the idea of travelling round Europe, with two of my best friends for 2 months just seemed too incredible to fathom. An idea I just couldn't quite grasp. However after saving for 9 months, many sessions of getting myself worked up and excited & lots of planning. my day of departure is getting oh so close I can almost taste it. As hard as I try to get myself sorted I know there will be something crucial I forget. It will be something that when I go to reach for it & realize its been forgotten I hit my head with the palm of my hand and let the word "DOH" escape from my lips. Something that I'll really wish I'd remembered. I have a habit of doing that.
International roaming turned on ... check
Snow boots sorted ... check
Passport ... check
Flights sussed, Top Deck tour booked, flights to Dublin & Edinburgh done ... check
Bag ... check
I feel like an explorer, before I have even left, navigating our way through each country. trying new things. meeting new people. creating unforgettable memories. There is a bit of fear hovering around me at the moment though, as I have never been overseas before let alone been away from all those I care about for so long. However I think starting off with a top deck tour will be very beneficial and allow us to become more comfortable with being on our own. I know this will make me about 1982356 times more independent than I am now. Which is pretty independent, considering I have just returned home from house sitting for the past 4months which really allowed me to grow and mature as an individual. I think its been exactly what I need to spur my personal necessary growth & development.
My excitement level is sky high for everything and I plan on making the most of my 10days left in Australia.
Thursday 20th: Bloc Party
Friday 21st: Shea's going away drinks in Queenscliff & party at Cool Dave & Fraser's place.
Saturday 22nd: Seeing Hanni, dinner & movie night at Brigette's.
Sunday 23rd: My mock Christmas & Brendon's going away party (maybe)
Monday 24th: Lunch with Jenna & Fire Poi & fish n chips with Stuart.
Tuesday 25th: Organizing my rail pass, travel cards & flights to Berlin, seeing Sio, present shopping for Danni & Blair & Blair's Family.
Wednesday 26th: Get my paint on.
Thursday 27th: Chocolate room with Jaryd, Soccer & Karaoke/hang out with soccer girls
Friday 28th: Angels Birthday BBQ
Saturday 29th: Packing, make sure everything is organized.
Sunday 30th: Sins on Sunday at the Barking Dog
Monday 1st: Leave for the Airport in the evening
Tuesday 2nd: At 1.05am WE FLY OUT OF THE COUNTRY!
RUN DOWN OF OUR TRIP: We then begin our trip with a top deck tour which lasts 14days and ventures around Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Switzerland, Holland, Germany & Austria. Upon our return to London we spend 4 days there & we will make sure Ang celebrates her birthday in style.On the 19th we then fly out to Dublin to spend 10days with Tess's sister Danni & her boyfriend Blair. We will spend Christmas with them also and fingers crossed we'll get a white Christmas. We then fly to Edinburgh for 3 days over New Years for the biggest street party in the world. From there we fly to Berlin for 3-4days to hang out with some friends whom have been there for awhile now. From Berlin we catch the Rail down to Spain & Portugal where we will stay for about a week before travelling along the French Riviera. After that whatever happens happens, we just need to get back to London by the 20th of January so we are able to fly home.
Jealous much? If I wasn't going, I would be!
thanks for rubbing that in :( ahha
even i'm excited and ur the one going clo.. i hope u pack everything and check your lists twice, even the souvineer lists :)
Oh My God...i feel sick, maybe cause ive eaten shit all day but most likely cause i just read this and im so excited and nervous and scared yet happy and all round packing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hell yeah
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